Lavaca Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can You Wear an Old Retainer to Straighten Teeth?

Everyone wishes to have a perfect set of teeth that are straight and completely aligned. For people who do not have this naturally, wearing braces is suggested by healthcare professionals while growing up to get the perfect smile. This is followed by wearing retainers for some time. Most doctors prescribe wearing a retainer for up to a year to ensure that your teeth are in the proper place. You might start thinking that the bad days are behind you and behold! You see a gap in your teeth or notice some type of misalignment. This is a pretty common situation, so you should not panic. While your instinct will be to look for your old retainer immediately, stop and take a moment to think if it is safe to do so?

It is a fair argument that orthodontic treatments are extremely expensive, and it isn’t a surprise that most people wouldn’t want to spend any more on the same treatment. But here are some things that you need to consider before you put on that old retainer.


The biggest problem that wearing old retainer causes is that of cleanliness. Can you remember how many years ago you wore that retainer? If you cannot, it is better to go for a new one. If you are considering reusing you retainers from years ago, it is highly likely that some amount of plaque must have been left in there. This usually leads to the production of a hardened layer that is icky, along with being quite dangerous to be put in your mouth. In this case, wearing old retainer might be really harmful to your oral health.


You have grown a lot since the last time you wore a retainer. Even if you thoroughly clean the retainer, there are chances that it might no longer fit you. When it comes to orthodontics, you should only wear whatever is the most comfortable as it impacts the health of your teeth in the long run. If you force a retainer that is not of the perfect size, it might worsen the existing situation. So if you do not wish to risk harming your teeth in the process, stick to a new orthodontic treatment for your misaligned teeth.

Extent of misalignment 

While it is okay to wear an old retainer for a small misalignment (after ensuring that it is clean and of the appropriate size), it is better to have a dentist’s consultation before you take any steps. Since you have to wear the retainers for a long time to get straight teeth, it is important that you pay attention to what stays in your mouth for so long.

Although old retainers might just work in some cases, always ensure that you take off the hardened plaque before using it again. Get your dentist’s advice on whether the old retainer will be of any use to you. This can save you from developing any major oral health problem.

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